The cause of illness can often be traced to our environment. This is why it is essential to live in homes that foster our health or at the very least do not make it worse. Mold, paint, heavy metals, furniture, cleaning products, lead, carpets - all these things can create new symptoms or worsen old ones.
If you are having problems with asthma, allergies, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, respiratory illnesses, rashes, or other symptoms you feel may be related to your home environment please call or schedule an appointment online so we can help you identify a solution.
Some Chronic Symptoms Associated With A 'Sick' Home Are:
Runny or stuffy nose
Itchy eyes, nose and throat
Cough and postnasal drip
Watery eyes
Schedule an appointment today.
VITAE HEALTH CENTER 16521 13TH AVE W, SUITE 107 LYNNWOOD, WA 98037 425-742-3800
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