A handy and valuable web of natural-health-minded
friends, colleagues, and resources~!
Our Network
Dr. Bruce Lipton (brucelipton.com) - Inspiration
Dr. Paul Anderson (consultdranderson.com) - Guru
Bikram Yoga at the Sweatbox (sweatboxyoga.com) - Local Bikram Method Hatha Yoga
Hot Yoga of Mill Creek (hotyogamillcreek.com) - Our friendly health-conscious neighbors
Lightspeed Design, Inc. (lightspeeddesign.com) - Our webmaster's real business
Schools, Associations, and Professional Organizations
Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges (aanmc.org)
Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center (BIORC) (bastyr.edu/research)
Bastyr University (bastyr.edu)
Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (binm.org)
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (ccnm.edu)
National University of Natural Medicine (nunm.edu)
New Zealand College of Chiropractic (nzchiro.co.nz)
Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (scnm.edu)
The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (naturopathic.org)
The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (cnme.org)
The South Pacific College of Natural Medicine (spcnm.ac.nz)
University of Bridgeport (bridgeport.edu)
Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians (wanp.org)
Connect Integrative Medicine (ci-medicine.com)
Supporting health naturally in Edmonds
Living Medical Arts (livingmedicalarts.com)
Naturopathic and integrative care in Friday Harbor
General Resources
Addiction Center (addictioncenter.com) - Holistic therapy for addiction treatment
Addiction & DNA Testing (knowyourdna.com) - Can DNA testing predict addiction?
Addiction Resource (addictionresource.com) - Helps local communities stay drug-free
Addiction Resources (coastaldetox.com) - Drug and alcohol addiction resources
Addiction Resources (sanalake.com) - Understanding withdrawal
Addiction Resources (northboundtreatment.com) - Resource for Students, LGBTQIA, Veterans, and Teens
Addiction Resource for Veterans (denverrecoverycenter.com) - Resource for struggling veterans
Air Pollution Guide (filterking.com) - Indoor & outdoor air pollution facts
Allergies, Eczema & Atopic Dermatitus (nationaleczema.org) - Dermatitus, eczema & allergy connection
Allergies - Home Cleaning Guide (homeadviser.com) - How to get rid of pet dander
Allergies - Household Pets (greenmed4u.com) - How to cope with pet allergies
Allergy Remedies (harpersbazaar.com) - Natural allergy remedies
Allergy Season by State (alencorp.com) - Your state's worst allergy season
Allergy Testing (thepapergown.com) - What to know about allergy testing
Alliance for Natural Health (anh-usa.org) - Natural Health Activism
Alzheimer's & Dementia Resource (toprehabs.com) - What to know & what new research says
CBD Resources (cbdoil.org) - Benefits, side-effects, dosage, and other important information
Cerebral Palsy Group (cerebralpalsygroup.com) - Cerebral Palsy Info and support
Consumer Lab (consumerlab.com) - Check the safety of your supplement
The Cord Blood Center (cordbloodbanking.com) - Baby's cord blood can be life saving!
The Cord Blood Guide (cordbloodguide.com) - Guide to Cord Blood Banking
Disaster Preparedness (filterking.com) - Surviving any emergency
Dangerous Drugs (consumersafetyguide.com) - Medications putting lives at risk
Drug Addiction & Oral Health (newmouth.com) - Effects of drug addiction on oral health
Drug Dangers (drugdangers.com) - Medications and devices with serious complications
Drug Watch (drugwatch.com) - Harmful medications and devices
Fentanyl Abuse (lagunashoresrecovery.com) - Guide to fentanyl, America's killer new drug
EPA - Smoke-free Homes (epa.gov) - Secondhand Smoke Information
Health Benefits of Getting Outdoors (tripoutside.com)
Hives Treatment (newengland.com) - Home remedies for hives
Ask the Nutritionist (pccnaturalmarkets.com) - PCC educator answers nutrition questions
Medical Malpractice Center (malpracticecenter.com) - Medical negligence info
Medline Plus (nlm.nih.gov) - Complimentary & Alternative Articles
Mesothelioma Resource (mesotheliomah.com) - Mesothelioma help for you and your family
Mesothelioma Veterans Center (mesotheliomaveterans.org) - Help for veterans
Mental Illness Facts (arrowpassage.com) - Facts about common mental health issues
Quit Smoking Community (quitsmokingcommunity.org) - How to Quit Smoking
The Recovery Village (therecoveryvillage.com) - Prescription Drug Abuse Recovery
SalonSeeker (salonseeker.com) - Salons, Spas, Health Services near Shoreline, WA
Dr. Andrew Weil talks about Naturopathic Doctors (YouTube video)
Well Being Journal (wellbeingjournal.com)
Food & Water
About Our Incredible Local Artesian Well Water (awwd.com)
Babyganics (babyganics.com)
Bob's Red Mill (bobsredmill.com)
Bochasweet (bochasweet.com) - Zero calorie, zero glycemic sweetener
Central Market (centralmarket.com)
Cookus Interruptus (cookusinterruptus.com) - How to cook organic despite life's interruptions
Dave's Killer Bread (daveskillerbread.com)
Eating Well (eatingwell.com)
Eden Organic (edenfoods.com)
Ener-G Foods (ener-g.com) - Gluten Free, Wheat Free
Flying Apron Bakery (flyingapron.com) - Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Vegan
Full Circle Farms (fullcirclefarm.com) - Local grown organic produce
Gluten Free & More (glutenfreeandmore.com) - Living well without sensitive foods
Green Tea Benefits (manyeats.com) - Health effects of drinking green tea
Lakanto (lakanto.com) - Zero calorie, zero glycemic sweetener
Multi-Pure Water (multipureco.com) - Filtered drinking water
Nature's One (naturesone.com) - Organic Medical Nutrition
PCC Natural Market (pccnaturalmarkets.com)
Trader Joe's (traderjoes.com)
Whole Foods Market (wholefoodsmarket.com)
American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (aaaai.org)
Clean Fifteen (foodnews.org) - The lowest pesticide foods (you can buy conventional)
Dirty Dozen (foodnews.org) - The highest pesticide foods (always buy organic)
Environmental Working Group (ewg.org)
Oceans Alive (seafood.edf.org) - Fish choices that are good for you and the ocean
Seafood Safety (seafoodwatch.org) - Better seafood choices for a healthy ocean
Humor, Getting to the Cause of Your Health
Call or click here to make an appointment with Vitae today~!
VITAE HEALTH CENTER 16521 13TH AVE W, SUITE 107 LYNNWOOD, WA 98037 425-742-3800
Copyright ©2022 Vitae Health Center | Webmastered by bOB
Dr. Bruce Lipton
Dr. Paul Anderson
Local Bikram Method Hatha Yoga
Our friendly health-conscious neighbors
Lightspeed Design, Inc. (lightspeeddesign.com)
Our webmaster's real business
Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges
Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center (BIORC)
Bastyr University
Boucher Institute of
Naturopathic Medicine
Canadian College
of Naturopathic Medicine
National University
of Natural Medicine
New Zealand College
of Chiropractic
Southwest College
of Naturopathic Medicine
The American Association
of Naturopathic Physicians
The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education
The South Pacific College
of Natural Medicine
University of Bridgeport
Washington Association
of Naturopathic Physicians
Connect Integrative Medicine
Supporting health naturally in Edmonds
Living Medical Arts (livingmedicalarts.com)
Naturopathic and integrative care in Friday Harbor
Addiction Center
Holistic therapy for addiction treatment
Addiction & DNA Testing
Can DNA testing predict addiction?
Addiction Resource
Helps local communities stay drug-free
Addiction Resources
Drug and alcohol addiction resources
Addiction Resources
Understanding withdrawal
Addiction Resources (northboundtreatment.com)
Resource for Students, LGBTQIA, Veterans, and Teens
Addiction Resource for Veterans (denverrecoverycenter.com)
Resource for struggling veterans
Air Pollution Guide
Indoor & outdoor air pollution facts
Allergies, Eczema & Atopic Dermatitus
Dermatitus, eczema & allergy connection
Allergies - Home Cleaning Guide (homeadviser.com)
How to get rid of pet dander
Allergies - Household Pets (greenmed4u.com)
How to cope with pet allergies
Allergy Remedies
Natural allergy remedies
Allergy Season by State
Your state's worst allergy season
Allergy Testing
What to know about allergy testing
Alliance for Natural Health
Natural Health Activism
Alzheimer's & Dementia Resource (toprehabs.com)
What to know & what new research says
CBD Resources
Benefits, side-effects, dosage, and other important information
Cerebral Palsy Group
Cerebral Palsy Info and support
Consumer Lab
Check the safety of your supplement
The Cord Blood Center (cordbloodbanking.com)
Baby's cord blood can be life saving!
The Cord Blood Guide (cordbloodguide.com)
Guide to Cord Blood Banking
Disaster Preparedness
Surviving any emergency
Dangerous Drugs
Medications putting lives at risk
Drug Addiction & Oral Health (newmouth.com)
Effects of drug addiction on oral health
Drug Dangers
Medications and devices with serious complications
Drug Watch
Harmful medications and devices
Fentanyl Abuse (lagunashoresrecovery.com)
Guide to fentanyl, America's killer new drug
EPA - Smoke-free Homes
Secondhand Smoke Information
Health Benefits of Getting Outdoors (tripoutside.com)
Hives Treatment
Home remedies for hives
Ask the Nutritionist
PCC educator answers nutrition questions
Medical Malpractice Center
Medical negligence info
Medline Plus
Complimentary & Alternative Articles
Mesothelioma Resource (mesotheliomah.com)
Mesothelioma help for you and your family
Mesothelioma Veterans Center
Help for veterans
Mental Illness Facts (arrowpassage.com)
Facts about common mental health issues
Quit Smoking Community
How to Quit Smoking
The Recovery Village
Prescription Drug Abuse Recovery
Salons, Spas, Health Services near Shoreline, WA
Dr. Andrew Weil talks about Naturopathic Doctors
Well Being Journal
About Our Incredible
Local Artesian Well Water
Bob's Red Mill
Zero calorie, zero glycemic sweetener
Central Market
Cookus Interruptus
How to cook organic despite life's interruptions
Dave's Killer Bread
Eating Well
Eden Organic
Ener-G Foods
Gluten Free, Wheat Free
Flying Apron Bakery
Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Vegan
Full Circle Farms
Local grown organic produce
Gluten Free & More
Living well without sensitive foods
Green Tea Benefits
Health effects of drinking green tea
Zero calorie, zero glycemic sweetener
Multi-Pure Water
Filtered drinking water
Nature's One
Organic Medical Nutrition
PCC Natural Market
Trader Joe's
Whole Foods Market
American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
Clean Fifteen
The lowest pesticide foods
(you can buy conventional)
Dirty Dozen
The highest pesticide foods
(always buy organic)
Environmental Working Group
Oceans Alive
Fish choices that are good for you and the ocean
Seafood Safety
Better seafood choices
for a healthy ocean