Tips to assist with your journey back to true health~!
Diabetes - You Can Prevent It!
The CDC projects that by 2050, 1 in 3 American will be diabetic. As of 2015 over 100 million American adults are either diabetic or prediabetic. This is a sobering statistic with catastrophic results, as both a health and economic issue.1
While diabetes can be managed with medication, the long-term side effects from taking them as well as the effects of the disease itself can significantly decrease one’s quality and length of life. Kidney disease, stroke, blindness, and loss of limbs are the “highlights” of what you can expect when you are living with diabetes.
When blood sugar levels spike, our pancreas responds with increased insulin production (insulin in a hormone that tells our cells to soak up the blood sugar). Over time our cells start to ignore the insulin, and become insulin resistant. This results in even higher blood sugar levels. Therefore, the main goal in preventing diabetes is to keep the blood sugar (aka glucose) levels consistent and low.
The Good News
The good news is, we can often accomplish this with lifestyle changes. Modifications to your diet along with exercise as low-impact as walking can make a huge difference in your blood sugar levels. For example, if you like to snack on an apple, simply adding some nut butter to your apple slices can greatly reduce your blood sugar and subsequent insulin increase. Walking for 10 minutes after meals can pull blood glucose into your muscles, lowering the level in your blood.
If you have a current diagnoses of diabetes, even if insulin dependent, don’t despair - your naturopathic doctor can work with you to come up with a program to prevent many of the problems associated with diabetes.
Schedule An Appointment
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VITAE HEALTH CENTER 16521 13TH AVE W, SUITE 107 LYNNWOOD, WA 98037 425-742-3800
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