Tips to assist with your journey back to true health~!
What is RF Intimate Wellness Therapy?
How Does Radiofrequency Technology Work?
RF (Radiofrequency) Intimate Wellness Therapy is a temperature controlled procedure which utilizes localized heat, induced through therapeutic levels of RF energy, to help address symptoms of vulvo-vaginal atrophy, also known as Atrophic Vaginitis, Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, or GSM.
Safe radiofrequency energy is delivered as the wand shown above massages the vulvo-vaginal tissue. Application areas include both the vaginal canal and external vulva.
In a typical procedure, the TempSure Vitalia 18mm probe is gently inserted into the vaginal canal. RF energy is then applied in a swooping motion. The RF energy warms the deeper connective tissue layers of the vaginal wall while temperature is carefully regulated to maintain comfort by dual thermisters embedded in the probe tip. Circulation is enhanced as new blood vessels are created. The TempSure Vitalia handpiece can also be used to apply RF energy and improve local circulation around external vaginal tissue.
Vitae Health Center specifically features the TempSure Vitalia system by Cynosure. The TempSure Vitalia procedure delivers precise heating for smaller, hard-to-reach areas to temporarily increase local circulation, decrease pain and muscle spasms and revitalize tissue. It’s a non-invasive, non-hormonal and chemical-free solution for women’s wellness.
The TempSure System - Non-Hormonal, Chemical-Free, No Downtime, Real Results
What Does The Procedure Feel Like?
How Long Is The Procedure?
How Many Procedures Are Necessary?
What Areas Can I Get Treated?
Is This Right For Me?
Restore Your Confidence
During the TempSure Vitalia procedure you will feel gentle heating of the target tissue. The treatment has been carefully designed with you in mind to deliver heat gradually for a comfortable therapeutic experience every time.
The procedure will depend on how many zones you choose to be treated. Each zone is treated for 5 minutes. For example, if your provider chooses to treat 5 zones, the procedure would be 25 minutes. Please work with your provider to develop a procedure plan that is right for you.
A series of procedures is always recommended.
Every patient is different, so the optimal number of treatments can vary. Work with your provider to develop a procedure plan that is right for you!
TempSure Vitalia’s unique probe is specifically designed to gently treat your most sensitive areas.
Treatments are fast, easy and can be performed on all skin types. Your provider will develop a plan that is right for you.
It feels good to be in control and know you can do something to restore your confidence. TempSure Vitalia is a gentle procedure for vaginal rejuvenation (also called vaginal revitalization). It’s non-invasive, non-hormonal, chemical-free and does not require anesthesia. Best of all, there’s no downtime, so it fits perfectly into your busy schedule.
Start the conversation with Vitae today!
No Anesthesia
No Downtime
Fast and Easy
To book your FREE TempSure consult, click here:
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Visit our primary Intimate Wellness Therapy page to learn even more
VITAE HEALTH CENTER 16521 13TH AVE W, SUITE 107 LYNNWOOD, WA 98037 425-742-3800
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